26 février 2016Nima

We reveal the next exclusive present for the backers of Nima!

Actualisation du projet Nima

We are rewarding all of you that are giving your support to Enrique Fernandez's project with the second backer bonus, a short story about Omokoi, Nima´s companion. 

Omokoi is an important character in Nima's story, he is the one in charge of using his odour to attract humans that are lost in the forest and take them to the nymphs. Our heroine suffers the strict lectures of Omokoi, he always look like he has everything under control... but it wasn't always like that. When he was a teenager, discovering his odour didn't only attract humans made him have the worst day of his life...

8 page A5 booklet.

The 11th of March we will reveal the last present we have, only available for the backers of Nima in Spaceman Project.