"TRASH is a natural continuation of my first book, Revolutionary Road, both thematically and aesthetically. But more extreme, more explicit and ultimately, with more trash. It includes some of the discarded drawings that I decided not to include in the first book because I thought they might be too heavy. For a while I was getting harassed and insulted because of the topics that my drawings dealt with, but I’ve reached a point where I think I should put the best work I’ve got out there, and then people can think whatever they want.

It’s a continuation of the first book, but it’s also an evolution. It’s the opposite of what I thought would happen to me over the years. Instead of toning my drawings down, they keep getting more explicit. I think that society has been going in a different direction over the last few years, and has been trying to sweep anything that might offend or bother anyone under the rug, but my work has been going in the opposite direction. When I was a kid I found adult comics and I hid them under my bed so that my mother wouldn't find them. These publications, although maybe I found them a bit too young, were also a window into the adult world, and they were a refuge where you could guard or hide your most precious belongings. Now that I’m an adult I feel more comfortable about making the kind of art that I would have hid under my bed when I was a boy. This is the kind of artist I want to be; I want to be the underground of your room.

In this book you will be able to find a compilation of about 150 color illustrations. There are drawings that are satirical and that are critical of society, and in this case, that even further exploit the iconography of pornography and put it into other contexts. You’ll also be able to find icons and elements of popular culture that are interpreted in the particular way that I see them.
Trash is one of the labels that have continually been applied to my work, sometimes in a disparaging tone, but it’s a term that doesn’t bother me. Frankly, I’ve heard worse things, so that’s why I decided to use this critique (positively and negatively) as the title of this book.

To be able to work with creative freedom, especially considering the type of drawings I do, which don’t find their way into many publications, and that have caused me a lot of problems in different environments - my work method is to try to get as much of the project out there as I can without making any money doing it, and then have that book finance the next one. In this case, the process I used was to crowd fund with Spaceman Project, a place that I was able to find that doesn’t censor my work. It’s a riskyIt’s a risky system because I basically put a whole year’s worth of work (or more) into a month-long crowdfunding campaign. Still, it’s the best way that I’ve found to be able to keep making my drawings freely and with almost no intrusions. In addition, doing it this way allows me to interact much more directly with my target audience.

Here you’ll be able to find several ways to sponsor my work and my new book project if it is of interest to you - from packs that contain my previous book, to prints, portraits, and appearing as a character in a drawing that will be included in this edition. As well as other ways to collaborate so that it can become a reality.
I promise you that what you will see here (for better or worse) will be difficult to find in any other book. I am not trying to lecture anyone with my drawings, but I do hope that it will make you stop and think for a moment about what you are seeing and that you will come to your own conclusion about what it means.

I hope you will help me so that TRASH can soon become a new addition on your bookshelf. You might want to hide it so that your parents, or your kids, don’t see it, but that it becomes part of your collection nonetheless."

Sabemos el esfuerzo que un trabajo bien hecho conlleva y, tanto el autor como Spaceman Project, estamos preparados. Amamos este medio y queremos llevarlo a otro nivel en el que lectores, autores, editoriales y libreros sean los protagonistas. Por eso hemos tenido en cuenta los pequeños detalles y una meta de recaudación ajustada a lo que ofrecemos.
La previsión del desarollo de esta obra es:
Autor / 4 meses desde la finalización de la campaña*.
Editorial / 1 meses de edición desde la entrega final de los autores.
Imprenta / Entre 4 y 8 semanas de impresión.
Envíos / Entre 2 y 5 semanas desde la recepción de los libros hasta la entrega a los patrocinadores
Todas las ilustraciones que se presentan en esta campaña son provisionales y están sujetas a modificaciones una vez que se consiga la meta y la obra empiece a crearse. Esto solo afectará a las imágenes de portada principalmente, nunca a la historia o formato de la obra ni al tipo de recompensas ofrecidas. Como es lógico, estamos presentando un proyecto vivo y por desarrollar. La creatividad no tiene límites y tenemos la convicción de que no hay que dejar de mejorar, por este motivo contraemos un compromiso de calidad con nuestros lectores.
Durante el proceso de creación, los responsables de crear las actualizaciones y de informar a los patrocinadores son los autores. Tras realizar la entrega de materiales a Spaceman, la editorial se encargará de informar a los usuarios del cambio de cada estado (Traducción/Edición/Producción/Recepción en el almacén/Envío de paquetes).
*Spaceman Project no se hace responsable de las demoras en la creación ya que es un compromiso de los autores con los patrocinadores, en el caso de que ellos no terminen la obra, serán responsable directos de la devolución a los patrocinadores.