27th October 2017Nima


Project Update: Nima

By Spaceman Project
We are writing to you to thank you for sponsoring NIMA as well as to apologize for the extra time it’s taking us to complete the production and to explain the reasons behind this postponement in greater detail.
The project was successfully completed on March 15th 2016, 18 months ago. Once the material was handed in by Enrique we spent months working on the comic book, for a final result of 18 books edited in various languages and formats.
Please find a detailed roadmap with the production dates and actions that took place up until today: 

Upon completing the editorial designs, we sent all the documents to printing and started the pre-production process, including the selection of paper and finish coating. The paper was then produced in a factory to make the copies both for our sponsors and for the bookstores. 
We received the paper from the factory after 3 or 4 weeks, and noticed an error in the type of paper used, which couldn’t adapt to the requested texture, weight and absorption.

We asked for a new paper production, soon after throwing away the original paper whose color and designs couldn’t adapt to the coating required by NIMA.

We received the new paper and we are ready to print the pages. 
The rewards should be sent between November 13th and 18th.
To make up for our lateness we have created a special bonus for all sponsors, as you can see in the picture. We have included 64 extra pages in a 17x24 cm format with the complete Nima storyboard. We hope this extra gift will serve to thank you for your support, patience and understanding.